PayU Supports Payment Securing for Indian E-Commerce With 3DS2 Launch

Indian aggregator PayU to offer 3DS2 SDK for all domestic and international transactions to resolve security and speed in payments.  Online payment service provider PayU is launching a 3DS2 software development kit (SDK) for merchants of its platform to authenticate payments in line with the Indian security mandate arriving in October 2023. India’s appetite for […]

Hear what ‘Breaking Bad’ actor said about Trump’s slogan

Actor Bryan Cranston argues that former President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” could be viewed as racist. Watch Chris Wallace’s interview with Cranston Sunday February 26 at 7pm ET on CNN or on HBO Max.Read More

Más de 100.000 personas marchan en México contra el Plan B

Se registraron manifestaciones en más de un centenar de ciudades del país contra una serie de medidas que van a limitar a la autoridad electoral y que, según sus funcionarios, dificultará garantizar elecciones libres y justas.Read More