How Microsoft Turned the Tide in Its Regulatory Fight Over Activision

The company found a way to placate three of the most powerful regulatory bodies in the world, along with a federal judge in San Francisco.Read More
The U.S. is trying to broker a way out of Gaza for foreigners and ‘safe zones’ for Palestinians, an official says.
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Looking Into Fastenal’s Recent Short Interest

Fastenal’s (NYSE:FAST) short percent of float has fallen 5.31% since its last report. The company recently reported that it has 15.16 million shares sold short, which is 3.03% of all regular shares that are available for trading. Based on its trading volume, it would take traders 5.06 days to cover their short positions on average. […]
Looking Into ON Semiconductor’s Recent Short Interest

ON Semiconductor’s (NYSE:ON) short percent of float has risen 3.06% since its last report. The company recently reported that it has 26.00 million shares sold short, which is 9.1% of all regular shares that are available for trading. Based on its trading volume, it would take traders 5.82 days to cover their short positions on […]
(D) – Analyzing Dominion Energy’s Short Interest

Dominion Energy’s (NYSE:D) short percent of float has risen 28.99% since its last report. The company recently reported that it has 7.46 million shares sold short, which is 0.89% of all regular shares that are available for trading. Based on its trading volume, it would take traders 1.19 days to cover their short positions on […]
SEC Adopts Rule to Increase Transparency in the Securities Lending Market
The Securities and Exchange Commission today adopted new Rule 10c-1a, which will require certain persons to report information about securities loans to a registered national securities association (RNSA) and require RNSAs to make publicly available…Read More
Israel, Gaza and the Laws of War

International law offers a framework for how to analyze what is happening.Read More
Terminal 4 at J.F.K.: Center of a Wave of Support for Israel

As soldiers, reservists and volunteers head to Israel, supporters gathered near the El Al counter at Kennedy Airport to give them supplies and cheers.Read More
Attack on Israel Reverberates Through Jewish New York

Usually lively and often fractious, political conversations are set aside among the large community of Jews in the city.Read More
A Looming Invasion in Gaza

The war has the potential to become another case study in the strategic difficulties of urban warfare.Read More