Biden’s Tough Week: The President Faces Personal and Political Setbacks

In the past seven days, President Biden was targeted for impeachment and his son was indicted. That was just the start.Read More
Why It Took So Long for the FDA to Tackle a Cold Medicine

Pharmacists affiliated with the University of Florida have spent decades nudging the agency to pull a decongestant from over-the-counter medicines.Read More
Special Counsel Obtained 32 Private Messages From Trump’s Twitter Account

Newly unsealed court papers shed additional light on a legal fight whose existence was revealed last month.Read More
Special Counsel Seeking Limited Gag Order on Trump in Election Case

Prosecutors have asked Judge Tanya S. Chutkan to curb statements from the former president that could intimidate witnesses, influence potential jurors or lead to harassment of others in the case.Read More
Scaramucci Emerges as a Leading Bidder For SVB Financial’s Venture-Capital Arm
Two front-runners vie for SVB Capital, with a court expected to a make decision within weeks.Read More
China Crescent Enterprises, Inc.
China Crescent Enterprises, Inc.Read More
Coastal Caribbean Oils & Minerals, Ltd.
Coastal Caribbean Oils & Minerals, Ltd.Read More
A Spirited Start to the Strike at a Ford Plant Near Detroit

Union members at one of three factories chosen for a first wave of walkouts voiced determination to win substantial pay gains in their next contract.Read More
Psychedelics Researchers & Industry Leaders Weigh In On Groundbreaking PTSD Treatment News

The long-awaited psychedelic-assisted treatment alternative for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is moving closer to federal approval. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and its private subsidiary company, MAPS PBC shared the publication of the results from the most advanced clinical trial (Phase 3 study) on MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of moderate-to-severe PTSD with solid, confirmatory […]
Peering Into Haleon’s Recent Short Interest

Haleon’s (NYSE:HLN) short percent of float has fallen 43.75% since its last report. The company recently reported that it has 12.63 million shares sold short, which is 0.27% of all regular shares that are available for trading. Based on its trading volume, it would take traders 2.71 days to cover their short positions on average. […]