Oliver Anthony Says ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Is Not a Republican Anthem

“I wrote this song about those people,” Oliver Anthony said of his No. 1 hit, after presidential candidates answered a question about his Billboard hit at their first debate.Read More
For Tim Scott, the Debate Was the Moment That Wasn’t

At the G.O.P. debate, the senator often faded into the background. “He was one that I wanted to hear more from,” one voter said as he sought to regain momentum in New Hampshire.Read More
The Story Behind DeSantis’s Anecdote About an ‘Abortion Survivor’

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida has been retelling Miriam Hopper’s 1955 birth story. The details are jarring, highly unusual and unverifiable.Read More
Candidates Look to Cash In on First G.O.P. Debate — Especially Haley and Pence

Campaigns saw the nationally televised event, the first of the 2024 campaign, not just as a way to reach voters, but also as an appeal to donors big and small.Read More
The Score: Macy’s, Nvidia, Warner Bros. Discovery and More Stocks That Defined the Week
Here are some of the major companies whose stocks moved on the week’s news.Read More
After the Fires, Native Hawaiians Find Strength in Spirituality

On an island where Christianity and Buddhism are also prominent, many are finding strength in traditional Hawaiian spirituality and culture.Read More
High Earners 50 and Up Get Two-Year Reprieve From IRS on 401(k) Rule
Roth-style catch-up contributions now won’t be mandated until 2026, not 2024.Read More
Stocks Close Higher After Bumpy Week
A sharp rise Friday helped temper earlier losses, with only the Dow ending the week lower.Read More
Russia Pushes Long-Term Influence Operations Aimed at the U.S. and Europe

A newly declassified American intelligence analysis says Russian spy agencies are using influence laundering techniques to hide the Kremlin’s involvement in cultivating pro-Russia and anti-Ukraine messages.Read More
Mike Moritz, Reid Hoffman and Other Silicon Valley Titans Said to Be Behind Mysterious Land Deals

A mysterious company has spent $800 million in an effort to buy thousands of acres of San Francisco Bay Area land. The people behind the deals are said to be a who’s who of the tech industry.Read More