JustPark and Parkopedia Join Forces to Drive Car Parking and Payments Ease Forward

Two major parking technology companies, Parkopedia and JustPark, have partnered, aiming to make it easier for motorists across the UK to find, book and pay for parking. The Parkopedia platform, which enables connected car drivers to search for convenient local parking, will now host JustPark’s available parking locations, enabling drivers to book and pay for […]

Why The Switch To Real-Time Payments Could Be This Season’s Best Transfer Business

In a world of football’s dramatic takeovers and contracts, Manuel Sandhofer, SVP and general manager Europe at Nium, explains how the industry’s reliance on legacy cross-border payment systems is putting clubs and businesses at risk. Manuel Sandhofer, SVP & general manager Europe, Nium Football is known for its sizeable takeover deals, player investments and lucrative […]

Fintech as a Force for Good: Checkout.com Is the Official Payment Provider for Emirates Nature-WWF

Checkout.com, the global payments solution provider, is the official payment service provider for the non-profit, Emirates Nature-WWF. The paytech will help drive positive environmental change in the United Arab Emirates. The partnership will see Checkout.com process donations for the non-profit, which works in association with WWF, the conservation organisation that is supported by over five […]