CFA Institute Reveals Emerging Markets Support the Creation of CBDCs More than Developed Ones

With the Bank of England (BoE) discussing the creation of a ‘digital pound’, a new survey released by the CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals, has found limited understanding of and support for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) within the investment industry. The CFA Institute Global Survey on Central Bank Digital Currencies found […]

B2B Payments Market in Africa Remain an Untapped Opportunity Reveals Duplo

Nigeria trails South Africa and Kenya in the development of key B2B payment processes across Africa, according to a new report from Duplo. The business payment platform for African businesses’ report shows that this includes the adoption of electronic bank transfers, speed of processing invoices and payment automation. The Exploring the State of B2B Payments […]

The Fight for the Right to Trespass

A group of English activists want to legally enshrine the “right to roam” — and spread the idea that nature is a common good.Read More