Boris Johnson’s Comeback Hopes May Be Dimmer Than He Thinks

The former British prime minister, who resigned from Parliament on Friday, has found his way back into voters’ good graces before. But analysts say there is now almost no plausible path back to power for him.Read More
A.I. or Nuclear Weapons: Can You Tell These Quotes Apart?

Many experts on artificial intelligence are warning of its potential dangers and calling for regulation, just as others once did with the atomic bomb.Read More
CHINOOK SHAREHOLDER ACTION REMINDER: Securities Litigation Partner James (Josh) Wilson Encourages Investors Who Suffered Losses Exceeding $50,000 In Chinook To Contact Him Directly To Discuss Their Options

NEW YORK, June 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP, a leading national securities law firm, is investigating potential claims against Chinook Therapeutics, Inc. (“Chinook” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ:KDNY). … Full story available on Read More
Grilling Hasn’t Been This Cheap in Years
U.S. propane prices have dropped more than 50% over the past year despite record exports.Read More
The A.I. Revolution Will Change Work. Nobody Agrees How.

The tally of how many jobs will be “affected by” world-changing technology is different depending on who you ask.Read More
How Could AI Destroy Humanity?

Researchers and industry leaders have warned that A.I. could pose an existential risk to humanity. But they’ve been light on the details.Read More
El espía que me llamó

La sociedad española se ha visto sacudida durante años por la filtración de audios secretos de José Manuel Villarejo, otrora agente de inteligencia. Esta es la historia que me contó.Read More
The Spy Who Called Me

For years, Spanish society has been rocked by revelations from the secret tapes of José Manuel Villarejo Pérez, a former intelligence agent now facing prison. He told me his story.Read More
From ‘Pariah’ to Partner, Saudi Leader Defies Threats to Isolate Him

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has repeatedly leveraged Saudi Arabia’s wealth and influence to overcome international condemnation of the kingdom’s human rights violations.Read More
With Probes of Russian Lines, Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Takes Shape

Ukraine is using its new arsenal of Western tanks and armored vehicles in what is expected to be one of the largest military operations in Europe since World War II.Read More