Videos show battle in Bakhmut

CNN’s Ivan Watson reports from Ukraine about the ongoing battle for the crucial city of Bakhmut, where Russian forces are losing steam, according to Ukrainian officials.Read More

CBI Looks to Accelerate Transition to Open Finance With Innovative Use Cases

CBI S.c.p.a., a consortium company, comprising 400 banks and other intermediaries as shareholders, has published its ‘Global Open Finance Report’ in partnership with PwC Italia. The new report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the state of the art of open banking and open finance, highlighting trends and evolutions in the national and international […]

Annexed Crimea not forgotten by Ukraine

While the fury of conflict echoes across the eastern Donbas region, a very different war is being waged in Crimea: one of night-time explosions, sabotage and disinformation.Read More