Steven Xigoros

Order Instituting Administrative Proceedings Pursuant to Section 203(f) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial SanctionsRead More

BidFX: Rolling Out the Adoption of FX Algo Wheels in Today’s Data-Fuelled Markets

An increasing number of foreign exchange (FX) traders are ‘spinning the wheel’ to execute the best trade outcome; the algo wheel that is.  If you’re joining us from an equities market, you’re probably more than familiar with the turnings and tunings of algo wheels, but for others, and especially traders dealing in FX, this powerful […]

Europe’s banking stocks suffer biggest drop in a year

Investors dumped European bank stocks for a third straight day Monday, despite dramatic moves over the weekend by the US and UK governments to shore up confidence in the financial system following Friday’s collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.Read More