The gulf between Black homeowners and White is getting bigger

While more Americans own homes today than a decade ago and the rate is increasing across all races, the gap between Black homeownership rates and that of any other race or ethnic group is even larger now than in 2011, according to a new analysis by the National Association of Realtors examining data from 2011 […]

The US housing market is short 6.5 million homes

The United States is not building enough homes to account for the number of people setting up their own households. As a result, there is a sizable shortage of new homes after more than a decade of under-building relative to population growth, according to a new analysis from released Wednesday.Read More

The Oscars photo that broke the internet

• Oscar nominations 2023: See the full list • The past winners for best picture at the Oscars • Another year, another slate of awards shows dominated by White faces. Why are they so slow to change?Read More