‘Y’all ain’t never been to Mexico.’ How a road trip over the border took a deadly turn

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The gulf between Black homeowners and White is getting bigger

While more Americans own homes today than a decade ago and the rate is increasing across all races, the gap between Black homeownership rates and that of any other race or ethnic group is even larger now than in 2011, according to a new analysis by the National Association of Realtors examining data from 2011 […]
The US housing market is short 6.5 million homes

The United States is not building enough homes to account for the number of people setting up their own households. As a result, there is a sizable shortage of new homes after more than a decade of under-building relative to population growth, according to a new analysis from Realtor.com released Wednesday.Read More
These renters are fighting evictions, and it’s working

Sick of rent hikes and evictions, these Kansas City tenants have organized to keep neighbors in their homes. This controversial program has reduced evictions in court by 91.3%, according to organizers.Read More
This developer is happy that new home construction is falling

Recent headlines point to a slumping US housing market — as mortgage rates average near 7%, an increasing number of potential homebuyers are finding it difficult to finance homes.Read More
Everything you wanted to know (and more!) about pickleball

Nobody quite knows why pickleball is called pickleball.Read More
Front Line Shifts in Russia and Ukraine’s Bakhmut Battle, Analysts Say

Britain’s defense intelligence agency said that Russian forces had taken control of most of Bakhmut’s east, but advances farther west might be challenging.Read More
3 Lessons From Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure

Here’s one takeaway: The bank’s extremely online clientele may have contributed to its downfall.Read More
Bill Maher shares Elon Musk’s next plan. The audience bursts into laughter

Elon Musk announced what he plans to build next in Austin, Texas. Bill Maher gives the details in his Overtime segment on CNN Tonight, ushering in rounds of laughter from the audience.Read More
The Oscars photo that broke the internet

• Oscar nominations 2023: See the full list • The past winners for best picture at the Oscars • Another year, another slate of awards shows dominated by White faces. Why are they so slow to change?Read More