Why older people with anxiety often don’t get help

Anxiety is the most common psychological disorder affecting adults in the United States. In older people, it’s associated with considerable distress as well as ill health, diminished quality of life and elevated rates of disability.Read More
Bempedoic acid improved heart health in patients who can’t tolerate statins, study finds

Bempedoic acid may be an alternative for people who need to lower their cholesterol but can’t or won’t take statins, according to a large study published Saturday in the New England Journal of Medicine.Read More
Go ahead and sigh. It’s good for you

Sighs — those long, exhales of breath often accompanied with a bit of a whimper — have long been seen as a sigh of melancholy, frustration or even despair, leading us to ask the sighing person, “What’s wrong?”Read More
Stress may lead to lower cognitive function, study finds

People with elevated stress levels are more likely to experience a decline in cognitive function, a new study found, affecting their capacity to remember, concentrate and learn new things.Read More
Your pollen allergies are already overwhelming? Here’s why

It’s only early March, but the pollen floating around the air in the Southern and Eastern US is already eye-watering.Read More
Kidnapping in Mexico Draws Attention to Medical Tourism

Here’s what experts say about the risks and promises of traveling abroad for cost-efficient care.Read More
Mexicans Question Government’s Swift Response to Attack on Americans

Many noted the coordinated action after four Americans were kidnapped, and two killed, in a country where crimes against Mexicans get far less attention.Read More
India Is Arming Villagers in Jammu and Kashmir

The government is reviving local militias in the Jammu part of the restive Kashmir region, laying bare the limits of its military approach there.Read More
Records Show Fox and G.O.P.’s Shared Quandary: Trump

Fox hosts and executives privately mocked the former president’s election fraud claims, even as the network amplified them in a frantic effort to appease viewers.Read More
Terren S. Peizer and Acuitas Group Holdings, LLC
SEC Charges Healthcare Executive with Insider Trading Through Rule 10B5-1 PlansRead More