Student attacks school employee after Nintendo Switch taken away

A Florida high school student has been arrested after a video showed him attacking a school employee after she took away his Nintendo Switch device, according to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.Read More
Americans have a collective $21 billion in unspent gift cards

Some people love them, some people hate them. Worse, a large number of us who receive them on special occasions are indifferent to them, or even forget about them entirely.Read More
Will more employers adopt the 4-day work week?

Bloomberg Work Shift Commentator Julia Hobsbawm tells “Nightcap’s” Jon Sarlin the four-day work week is not a “one size fits all” because some workplaces may not benefit from the shorter work week. For more, watch the full Nightcap episode here.Read More
Domino’s stock tumbles 11% as delivery problems persist

Domino’s delivery problems aren’t over.Read More
Telecom giant to cut 8,500 jobs

Telecom company Ericsson is planning to cut 8,500 jobs around the world in a bid to slash costs.Read More
Restaurant owners advise newbies: Steer clear of the industry

It’s never been easy to operate a restaurant, and in recent years it’s been even harder.Read More
Patients with the chronic condition might not be able to work, but they’re still left to fight through the ‘broken’ benefits process

Pushing through cognitive impairment, migraines and severe fatigue, Michaelene Carlton, 49, mustered up the energy last week to dial the Social Security Administration to speak to her newly appointed Social Security Disability Insurance case manager. She has left six messages, one every two weeks since late December, and she still hasn’t heard back.Read More
Nigerian Politician Arrested With Nearly $500,000 on Eve of Election, Police Say

For years, Nigerian politicians have been accused of buying votes. The lawmaker, the police say, was caught with dollar bills and a list of possible recipients.Read More
Their Hair Long and Flowing or in Ponytails, Women in Iran Flaunt Their Locks

Defiant resistance to Iran’s mandatory hijab law has exploded across the country after nationwide protests that erupted last year.Read More
Analysts Predict Consolidation Across Payment Sector Following Worldpay Spin Off

Analysts are predicting further consolidation across the payment space following US financial conglomerate FIS’s decision to spin off its merchant business. Earlier this month, FIS said it would carry out a tax-free spin off of its underperforming merchant unit which it built around Worldpay, which facilitates card transactions. FIS acquired Worldpay four years ago for […]